vineri, 1 martie 2013

Leapsa livresca de la Serai

"[p.110: Thus brought up suddenly into the light] it seemed possessed of great size and depth, was like a world in which one could take one's stuff and climb up the hills, she thought, and go down into valleys, and to her pleasure (for it brought them into sympathy momentarily) she saw that Augustus too feasted his eyes on the same plate of fruit, plunged in, broke off a bloom there, a tassel here, and returned, after feasting, to his hive. That was his way of looking, different from hers. But looking together united them".

Virginia Woolf, To The Lighthouse, p.111, Everyman's Library, Alfred A. Knopf, New York Toronto , First Included in Everyman's Library, 1938, Copyright 1927 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. Copyright renewed 1955 by Leonard Woolf. Published by arrangement with Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. Woolf, Virginia 1882-1941. To The Lighthouse/Virginia Woolf. p. cm.-(Everyman's library) ISBN 0-679-40537-2 I. Title

PR6045.072T6 1992 92-52912 CIP

Printed and bound in Germany
by Graphischer Grossbetrieb Possneck GmbH

E bine, Zaza?

Leapsa la Anca Pol, Anca Damacus, Anca Macoviciuc, Cosmin Popan.

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